Music Touches the Soul

I recently bought a $16 CD because one song reminds me of a person even though the rest of the CD does not contain songs I would generally listen to. But in that moment, at that time, the song brought such a huge smile on my face that I knew I had to have it. It reminded me that I can rock someone to the soul and I am a sweet little bee.
We need songs like that to continue on to the future no matter if that person is in our life. We need to be reminded that we impress people, we inspire others, and we shine a light into another soul that enraptures the essence of life.
A song that doesn’t remind us of hurt, or pain…but only happiness. A song that says it’s okay for a person to enter our life for a brief period to teach us something and then leave. A song that just makes us smile.
I hope everyone has that one song for now. It will and should change with the more people we encounter. The beauty of this world is that there will always be another face, another soul, another heart that can teach us something. If only we open up our eyes, hearts, and souls to allow it.
Peace be with you.
Your words are music to my soul. There is one song that recently became one my favorites, It talks about losing a close friend.
Betsy, you entered my life so unexpectedly and have given me hope when no one else can, you always seem to know what to say when we talk. On more than one ocassion I have hung up the phone and lay paralyzed from the uncondition love that you posess. I cherish so much the phone calls here and there, And hope to never lose you.
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