Monday, May 21, 2007

Secret Garden

The Secret Garden was my favorite movie when I was a kid. I wanted so much to believe in its truth, but is it really real?

We all have one. The place that we don’t want anyone to know about unless they take all the tools required to break it down, or on the other hand, try and help it. The place that we try not to remember, or the place that we are wishing to forget and then someone comes along and smiles…and the dead weeds bloom.

The secret garden is within us and it will always be there. The hope and desire we have in each of our weeds - to blossom - to sparkle...we just have to discover them. We think to ourselves that after tomorrow we’ll reveal all our deepest secrets. But, when does that really happen? And if it does, will after tomorrow be too late? Possibly... and especially since in this world today there are so many options that we can hide because most people don’t really care.

Back in the day (I'm not sure what that day is but before my time), people didn't care about hanging their laundry out to dry. They only cared about drying clothes, not what their neighbors thought. Now, not so much. People only hang out what they want others to perceive them as.

Maybe that is why shopping has become a job and sex is no longer a sinful thing. Maybe that is why we don’t have to stay committed because it’s common to make a mistake and others don't frown on it anymore. Maybe that is why teens are popping pills and avoiding food.

What happened to our secret garden? What happened to visiting it from time to time and allowing someone to enter even if weeds were growing wild? Wouldn't it be nice to just let it go and reveal your deepest secrets and not be afraid of what others perceive.

Not after tomorrow, but today, I don’t want to be an object, or some straight-up plastic doll so I can look 'nice' to other people. I'm raw. I'm open to sharing my secret garden. I'm giving my soul. I'm listening to every hour of each beauty on this earth who wants to talk. Because I know that today, isn't about being someone else's dream for the day. Today, is about heaven - being fully exposed, weeds 'n all, and not sacrificing who I am to get instant pleasure or mass approval.

We all have skeletons. Don't be afraid to open up and let it show...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy:) So true. You described that secret place perfectly;)


10:53 AM  

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