Sunday, November 18, 2007

What's Underneath

When we forget to serve the ‘ego’ what happens? What’s underneath all those barriers of skin and tissue? Do we allow ourselves to reach the soul? Do we allow room for our soul to be broken and then open up again? Do we allow people in even if they break us so we can experience the depth of human contact?

We live in a world that people want to feel sooo connected they search for chat rooms that engage in the same hobbies. We live in a world where cell phones and technology have taken over human interaction so we check the latest news and listen to the radio for our connection. We live in a world where the door shuts after a long day and the television or screen from the computer takes over, even if the light has fulfilled us during the day.

We live in a world where we forgot what is really in our core. Is it art? Or music? Or how about math classes? We live in a world where it is all about me and not about our ancestors, or the history that supersedes anything we’ll ever experience. We live in a world where we bitch when it rains, even though all around us is on fire, or where we complain when we perspire when the rest of the world is trying to find another log to keep warm.

We live in an unfortunate world where it is all about me. How can I make it? How can I become successful [and by that I mean rich]? We live in a world that forgot to throw down the towel and deal with the punches to make it real.

So when I hear a friend tell me she’d rather be brutally honest with me when she’s pissed because she doesn’t want to live with me like she does with the rest of the world, it makes me want to cry. She wants something with me that is truly honest, and real.

She wants to live with me so she just knows that safety and comfort is there no matter what bad decisions, insane paths, and virtual experiences we have. She wants to share her 'underneath' and know mine and challenge, embrace, and just be.

And that, my friends, is all we can ask for. Not what's in it for me.


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