In the past few days, I have felt centuries of passing feet that walked my same steps, seen stone crosses, thatched roofs, villages with narrow streets, rows and rows of grapes, and street signs written in Italian. Much different than Greece.
I can’t possibly desc

ribe what I’ve seen here and how much of a transformation it has Rome...imagine waking up in the morning and spending the day watching humans being eaten by animals and all that just for fun. Hmmm...I think I'll do that instead of a movie today. The Colosseum...a place where I could actually smell the blood that will forever be stained there. Even after the Pope turned it into the church, the slaughter house remains. Oh how times have changed. The hotel had about a 20 foot high door, I’m guessing because back in the day, people rode their horses and used the space like a garage. Buildings old. After a day and a half, I was over the city though and needed to get out of the dirt and noises. I did cover a lot of ground from the Fountainia di Trevi, Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, Vatican City, Pantheon, Forum, Castel Saint Angelo and more.
The Vatican City blew my mind and I constantly had to remind myself to close my mouth each time it would open in awe. After 2 1/2 hours, I left and walked into sunshine. Strangely enough, I spent a lot of time praying and being thankful for where I am at. The last night was a venture off the beaten path to where the locals eat and ended my time there with some unbelievable lip=smacking pasta.
Old city...check. Next stop...Venice. I have lost my heart and not to any Italian men, but this city. I heart it! There I was in a little Enoteca enjoying a glass of crisp Pinot overlooking a beautiful canal with the warm breeze blowing my hair and Italian music playing in the background. I was content. I wanted to take ho

me with me the elderly locals. Such freedom and simplicity. The green colors and buildings slowly fading away is a magical site to see. Church bells ringing, kids pushing their mini scooters around, and water everywhere.

Hit on by an Italian server named Marco...check. Turned him down...check. And off to Firenze aka Florence. Different than Rome and much different than Venice. Quieter and much more beautiful than Rome. The art is flourishing and rich as well as the people. Amazed at how many good looking people are here. Maybe it’s all the coffee people drink, or maybe it’s the cigarettes. Nonetheless, the portions are smaller and people actually walk places here. What a concept...I didn’t get to visit the famous Duomo, Accademia, or other sights because the people just happen to go on strike the day I arrive. However, I did get to climb 424 steps up the tower next to the Duomo and see a beautiful view of the city and go into the Pitti Palace to learn about style and visit th

e gardens. I also went into the Medici Chapel and church which was interesting. The Medici family basically was the family back in the day. They were merchants and started a bank which acted as a storage for other merchants to hold money while travel from city to city.
City of ar

t...check. Rented a car and drove into the sweet hills of Tuscany and my every molecule wanted to stay here forever. After it took me about an hour to get out of the city, I found the hills of Chianti and was blown away. Vineyards everywhere, grapes, little towns, flowers...everything I pictured it to be and more. I ended at a town called San Greginono that is completely surrounded by old brick walls. Getting there late, hungry and no place to stay, I was out of luck for a hotel. My heart began to slowly sink thinking this spur of the minute stuff is not such a great idea. Until I came across Villa Belvedere...a cute quaint hotel with the nicest owners that fed me wine and bruschetta. Overlooking the hills with the best sleep of my trip yet, I wake up and run forever. I actually cried during my run. It was quite the site...or so some Italian bikers thought so. Oh, and green, is now my favorite color. In Pisa to see the leaning tower and then off to Cinque De Terra tomorrow.

In my periph, I only see more beauty.
I'd recognize Cinque Terre anywhere. Beautiful.
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