Arrogance Versus Confidence

Arrogance – noun – overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
Confidence – noun – belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities
So what’s the difference besides the dictionary meaning for both words? I’ll tell you. It has nothing to do with what we decide we want to be. We can’t choose to be arrogant or confident because it isn’t a choice. It’s controlled by a higher power. When you’re lost and people are ‘bragging on you’ and telling you how amazing you are, what happens is that it goes to your head…not your heart. So you begin to feed off that like a leach in the lakes of Minnesota. You begin to tell others how wonderful and amazing you are because hey, let’s face it, everyone else thinks you are the best so you must be. And, you’re going to let everyone else know it. That’s arrogance.
When you’re stabilized and life is good. Comfort and familiarity is around. You have love from friends, family and mentors. You may not know exactly where you are, but you know you have support - you have God - that will help lead you. This time, those compliments and overflowing thoughts go to your heart. Arrogance turns into confidence and you are proud in your heart.
Sometimes we just have to submit. Realize that we can’t climb the 110 floors at the World Trade Center and the elevator can take you to the top much faster. And although the physical activity of climbing those stairs is appealing to some of us, it’s really not all that. When we realize that life is not directed completely by what we want and what we do, we’ll get to that higher place and feel confident leaving the arrogance behind for good.
You are still the greatest. Even as a High School Student you had a gem gleaming from the inside out right through those pretty eyes. I hope all is well, your life is full, and your path is setting a course to the stars.
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You look fantastic...
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