Having A Hole in the Heart

We see paintings depicting a bandage when the heart is broken. We hear about people or are even one of those people that have a heart with a door and bold locks attached to it. And we feel our heart beat excitedly when we engage with another person romantically. But, how many times do we really just sit back and examine our heart? How often do we listen to what it is telling us? How seldom do we pay attention?
Some people are born with a weak heart and they spend their lives with doctors and donors trying to make it like others. Fortunately, most of us are born healthy. Some of us develop conditions over time and realize that we need to protect it. And others…never have a problem that needs medical attention. How about emotional? Should we be getting ‘physical’ checkups just to make sure we are protecting our heart like we would our own children?
It’s moments like these where I take a step back from all the day to day tactical elements and ponder. It’s moments like these that I wonder how a physical condition like having a hole in my heart would make me realize that an emotional hole has been there all along. At least with physical, you can have a doctor patch it up. Although it isn’t desirable, there are solutions and there are medical advances that make it normal again and thank goodness for that because my friend will heal and be even stronger.
A hole in the heart, not attributed to health, is not easy. We can’t just take some kind of medication and have it all better. We have to make a goal, a wish and determination to make it heal. We have to forgo the hurt and trek forward. We have to realize that the floodgates can be closed for awhile to save energy, but need to be open again to really thrive. We have to be comfortable with feeling alone and waiting for patches to happen.
We have to realize that our heart is the only one we have usually and should be protected, cared for and loved by ourselves first before it can be loved by others.
XOXO Much Love To The Heart Always!
Thanks for reminding me that human life is fragile. I hope your friend feels better. I am thankful I can take cholesterol medicine. And though this may be too much all about me, your writing gives me hope for the rest of my heart.
Beautifully written. Thanks for being a good friend.
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