You don't have to be tall to see the moon

Lessons learned lately:
- Be faithful. We weren’t meant to be faithful and no one is. We were meant to deal with problems, be alone from time to time and be human enough to think about our decisions before we enter it into actions. We were meant to make mistakes but we were also made to correct them before they actually happen.
- Breathe inside. You don’t have to rush into something in fear of thinking you’ll lose it. The good things, and right ones, take time. It might not be the same in business, but in personal life, you have to stop, and be happy with the love you feel in your heart.
- Respect others. Before you enter in a partnership (business and personal) you have to respect the other party 150% for it to be successful. And by respect I mean honesty, dedication, and comprehensive desire to make it work. Without this key element, you have no saving grace.
- Be stable. Your soul isn’t likely to give back to another person until it is stable with oneself. If you are all over the board and never make a decision but just talk about this and that, you aren’t stable. And although you don’t have to be stable with your spirit necessarily, you have to be stable with your heart.
- It’s all about character. I have made naïve mistakes, forgotten that I’m fallible and supremely flawed, but I think you just need to keep on experiencing and build up your character so you don’t make those stagnant mistakes over and over again.
- Time. It’s everything. The people that say, “if only I would have” and the others that say “if I turn back now, I won’t have to ___." You won't have to what? What if you turned back? Most the time, it is misguided self-protection. Make your dreams now. Don’t do things that make you second-guess yourself.
- Pray. Really, if you think you can deal with life everyday on your own, kudus to you. Maybe there is a marvelous community of individuals that are able to sail its own energy, but I doubt it. You need wind to make it work.
- Engage in other people and activities that cause energy gains. Engaging in yourself only gets you as far as other people care to learn. Show and deliberate others’ talents because internally, you’ll be organically happy for another.
I have quit over and over in my relationships, in my writing and in my ability to cobble the world together. I’m not quitting anymore.
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