May the moon continue to confuse you for the sun

I just spent my night watching drama love flicks and after enough tears to fill an enormous lake in Minnesota, I realized no one should do this alone, especially after a break up. Who in the world decided that watching love stories and eating ice cream was a good way to spend your time?
Well, I did it so I might as well take something away from it and here’s what I learned:
- A good relationship allows karaoke, ridiculous dancing, laughter without feeling intimidated, nites that blur to the day.
- Real love has je ne sais quoi. It has a quality that eludes description and none of us can describe it.
- The depth of the relationship depends on the aliveness and strength in each person.
- Genuine love is not an ‘affect’ or ‘feeling’ but rather a conscious effort to strive for the happiness of the loved person found by loving oneself first.
I don’t know if my hope to find a forever love is just way out of this world, but I want something insane. I want something that is so unbelievable I can’t stand a night without touching the other person.
I want to kiss someone so that life ends as I know it. As Brent would say, “sweet sweetness that coats the tongue and tastes more intense than a field of blooming jelly beans.”
I want someone that can rejoice with me and teach me about life while I teach him.
You never know what tomorrow is going to bring, I guess. Be in the moment and hold those that you love near. Love with intention. Love with grace. Love with faith.
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