Thursday, December 04, 2008

What Happened To Living For What We Believed In...

Oriah Mountain Dreamer says, “it doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing.” The author goes on about being alive no matter how old you are and about taking risks for your dream, for your adventure.

Tonight, the cover of this book moved me. My very existence sat there, among other women and men, and just stared. Just a slight coincidence that it is my mother’s birthday today and she’s always taught me to dream and invite my soul to everything I do in life.

Strange how things happen when you least expect it. I needed to see this book cover. After three days of detox and clearing my stomach and mind, I guess you could say I was a bit vulnerable…but in a good way.

It made me realize what it means to be alive and how precious it is to laugh with someone, or to look up into the sky and see the stars that sparkle in your eye. It made me realize that bantering sessions feed the soul even if it is over facebook IM. It made me realize that Jack Johnson and the other soul-producing musicians came from something small and continued to produce the music they loved not so it was heard, but so their passion continued on.

We need to just slow down. Spend some time looking around, breathing in the music and feeling the brisk breeze. We need to reconnect with friends and not be afraid to make new ones. We need to stop fearing what would happen if we went forward with our dream, or if we say something to that someone. We need to just live, like God intended…pure and real.

So here’s to finding out what we ache for and taking risks no matter how old we are.

I love you mom!


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