…so I wonder – have I given up and given into the U.S.A. culture today? Or, have I settled down and become stabilized with being content as I am and not trying to prove myself anymore. Sure, I’d love to be traveling and giving seminars on how to change your life and make change in the world around you. Or, publish a joint novel written and illustrated by mother and me that inspires the homeless population, young children and growing artists. Heck, I’d even settle for this blog to actually make a difference.
I’m slowly realizing that all my ‘reach for the dreams’ thoughts don’t actually have to be earth shattering and really should just matter to me and all that surround me. I’m realizing tha
Call me real. Call me grown up. Call me someone that does continue to create, but no longer tries to push her creations on to others. Call me ‘mom’ one day. That is my new wish.
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